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Bases Full
Bases Fullの画像です
母の父: War Admiral
馬主: -
生産牧場: -
産地: -








Baby League(牝 1935 Bubbling Over)

Busher (牝 1942 War Admiral)

│├ Miss Busher (牝 1949 Alibhai)

││└ Bushfield (牝 1961 Jet Pilot)

│├ Popularity (牝 1950 Alibhai)

││└ Red Tulip (牝 1960 Jet Pilot)

│└ Jet Action (牡 1951 Jet Pilot)

Betteefarlee (牝 1943 Jamestown)

│└ Lovely League (牝 1950 Lovely Night)

│ └ Do Your Thing (牝 1967 I'm For More)

Grand League (牝 1945 Grand Slam)

│└ Like Magic (牝 1955 Sun Again)

│ └ マジツクゴデイス (牝 1968 Red God)

Mr. Busher (牡 1946 War Admiral)

Striking (牝 1947 War Admiral)

│├ Glamour (牝 1953 Nasrullah)

││├ Royal Ascot (牡 1960 Princequillo)

││├ Poker (牡 1963 Round Table)

││├ Intriguing (牝 1964 Swaps)

││├ Artistically (牝 1968 Ribot)

││├ Boucher (牡 1969 Ribot)

││├ Glorifying (牝 1971 Ribot)

││└ Bonnie Blink (牝 1976 Buckpasser)

│├ So Chic (牝 1954 Nasrullah)

││├ Fashion Verdict (牝 1960 Court Martial)

││├ Dapper Dan (牡 1962 Ribot)

││├ Dress Uniform (牝 1964 Court Martial)

││└ Beau Brummel (牡 1966 Round Table)

│├ Bases Full (牝 1957 Ambiorix)

││├ Bold and Brave (牡 1963 Bold Ruler)

││├ Stolen Base (牝 1967 Herbager)

││├ Winning Hit (牡 1968 Bold Ruler)

││├ Good Opportunity (牝 1969 Hail to Reason)

││├ Good Position (牝 1972 Bold Ruler)

││└ No Opening (牝 1978 Buckpasser)

│├ ヒツテイングアウエー (牡 1958 Ambiorix)

│├ Batter Up (牝 1959 Tom Fool)

││├ Three Bagger (牡 1964 Bold Ruler)

││├ Bravissimo (牝 1965 Bold Ruler)

││├ Bold Hitter (牡 1966 Bold Ruler)

││└ Mudville (牝 1968 Bold Lad (USA))

│├ My Boss Lady (牝 1963 Bold Ruler)

││└ インアラツシユ (牝 1970 Pronto)

│├ Amazing (牡 1964 Bold Ruler)

│└ Sparkling (牝 1967 Bold Ruler)

│ ├ Bubbling (牝 1972 Stage Door Johnny)

│ ├ Effervescing (牡 1973 Le Fabuleux)

│ ├ スパングルス (牝 1977 Riva Ridge)

│ ├ The Sweet Swinger (牝 1978 Le Fabuleux)

│ ├ Sparkling Account (牝 1984 Private Account) 0勝

│ ├ シヤイニーアンドブライト (牝 1985 Private Account) 0勝

│ └ グローイングアカウント (牝 1986 Private Account) 0勝

La Dauphine (牝 1957 Princequillo)

 ├ Azeez (牝 1963 Nashua)

 │└ アトラクト (牝 1983 Blushing Groom)

 ├ Jungle Road (牡 1964 Warfare)

 ├ Courtesan (牝 1969 Gallant Man)

 │└ ロイヤルノーザン2 (牡 1978 Northern Dancer)

 ├ Banner Sport (牡 1970 Raise a Native)

 ├ Guillaume Tell (牡 1972 Nashua)

 └ Raise a Regal (牡 1977 Raise a Native)
