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& SANKEI DIGITAL INC. All rights reserved.
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My Guest
My Guestの画像です
母の父: Alibhai
馬主: -
生産牧場: -
産地: -






Boudoir(牝 1938 Mahmoud)

Flower Bed (牝 1946 Beau Pere)

│├ Flower Bowl (牝 1952 Alibhai)

││├ Bowl of Flowers (牝 1958 Sailor)

││├ Graustark (牡 1963 Ribot)

││├ Yetive (牝 1966 Ribot)

││└ His Majesty (牡 1968 Ribot)

│├ Floral Park (牝 1953 Alibhai)

││└ Patriotic Petunia (牝 1972 National)

│├ Green Finger (牝 1958 Better Self)

││├ Free Hand (牡 1970 Gallant Man)

││├ Point Out (牝 1971 Gallant Man)

││├ Choreographer (牡 1974 Nijinsky)

││└ Green Signal (牝 1975 Roberto)

│└ Multiflora (牝 1961 Beau Max)

│ └ Orchid Vale (牝 1972 Gallant Man)

Your Host (牡 1947 Alibhai)

My Host (牡 1948 Alibhai)

Your Hostess (牝 1949 Alibhai)

│├ Etiquette (牝 1954 Bernborough)

││└ White Lie (牝 1964 Bald Eagle)

│├ Gay Hostess (牝 1957 Royal Charger)

││├ Betty Loraine (牝 1965 Prince John)

││├ Majestic Prince (牡 1966 Raise a Native)

││├ Crowned Prince (牡 1969 Raise a Native)

││├ Our Queen (牝 1970 Raise a Native)

││├ Our Lady Queen (牝 1972 Raise a Native)

││├ Caronatta (牝 1973 Raise a Native)

││└ Meadow Blue (牝 1975 Raise a Native)

│├ La Menina (牝 1958 Royal Charger)

││└ Consentida (牝 1962 Beau Max)

│├ Lady Ambassador (牝 1959 Hill Prince)

││├ Classy Twist (牝 1976 Twist the Axe)

││├ キャプテンワールド (牡 1977 Ward Mcallister)

││├ ジエンテイール (牝 1980 Irish Castle)

││└ Crimson Envoy (牝 1981 Crimson Falcon)

│├ My Guest (牝 1963 Mister Gus)

││└ Exclusive Hostess (牝 1975 Exclusive Native)

│├ Dancing Hostess (牝 1964 Sword Dancer)

││├ Loosen Up (牡 1973 Never Bend)

││├ Noble Title (牡 1974 Prince John)

││├ Balcony Dancer (牝 1977 Gallant Romeo)

││└ レイズアプランサー (牝 1980 Raise a Native)

│├ T. V. Commercial (牡 1965 T. V. Lark)

│└ Votre Hotesse (牝 1968 Nantallah)

│ └ Our Duckling (牝 1976 Quack)

Royal Hostess (牝 1952 Alibhai)

│└ Spes Nostra (牝 1957 Mr. Busher)

│ └ Miss San-Jo (牝 1962 Amarullah)

Bar Le Duc (牡 1953 Alibhai)

Bowl of Roses (牝 1961 Alibhai)

 └ シヤトーローズ (牝 1968 Chateaugay)

  ├ シヤダイホステス (牝 1973 パーソロン)

  ├ シヤトーローズの1974 (牡 1974 マリーノ)

  ├ ニチドウアラシ (牡 1976 ボールドアンドエイブル)

  └ ニチドウレイズア (牡 1977 レイズアボーイ)
